Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I discovered when I was a young mother
that food can be used for other purposes.
I always had problems with my boys scuffing
their dress shoes. I would discover their shoes
were dirty or scuffed just before leaving for 
church! I grabbed the Crisco shortening  and 
dabbed some on an old bath cloth.  I wiped the 
dirt off the shoes and buffed the scuffed area 
with a little Crisco.  Voila! The shoes looked 
almost new!!

Please review the other ways I used peanut
butter, mustard, coffee grounds, and olive
oil. I enjoy saving money each year and
finding ways to repurpose my food!!

Do Not Use These Foods If You Have Allergies!!!


* Removes gum from hair. I placed some on 
toothbrush and work into hair. I used a towel
to rub away the peanut butter and the gum
from the hair.

* Removes gum from carpet. I placed some 
on a butter knife and rub it onto the gum only.
Avoid getting the peanut butter on the carpet. 
I used the knife to lift up the gum and peanut
butter. I used a sponge, mild dish soap, and 
warm water to remove any residue from the
gum area. 

* I hide dog medicine in a spoonful of peanut
butter! Raja loves it and eats the peanut butter
so fast that she doesn't detect the pill.

* Remove glue from labels on jars and bottles.
I rub some of it on the label glue and wipe the
area with a cloth. All of the glue comes off.

*I use as a shaving gel on my legs. The oil from 
the peanut butter will also moisturize your skin.  


*I swallow a tablespoon of mustard before I eat
ice cream. I am lactose intolerant and it allows
me to enjoy my favorite  ice cream. 

*A dab of mustard on my ankle calmed the sting
from a fire ant bite I encountered this summer.
I only left it on my skin for 5 minutes then wiped

it off. Mustard can stain and burn the skin.  

* I love to make bottles of rosemary water. 
I use a little mustard and warm water to 
deodorize my bottles. I can recycle the bottle
again since the strong smell of rosemary has
been removed. 

*I need a foot bath after hours of standing at
work. I added 2 tablespoons of mustard to a 
basin of hot water.  This 30 minute foot soak 
worked wonders for my tired feet.


*I sprinkle used coffee grounds on the potting
soil in my house plants. I also pour leftover
coffee from my coffeepot in my house plants. 
I do this once a week.  I use it once a month
as a fertilizer for my succelents.

* My son placed used coffee grounds in his compost
pile. It helps make the darkest and richest compost.

* I place used coffee grounds in a small pot of
simmering water when I fry fish. The odor of 
the coffee seems of neutralize the fish odor.

* Some stores keep a jar of instant coffee on the
counter in their cosmetic section.  Smelling coffee 
allows you to smell several samples of perfume
and cologne.

* I use coffee grounds and water to stain wood
craft sticks and head caps for dolls. I soak the
sticks or head caps in the solution for one or two
days.  The wood becomes a nice shade of brown.


* I use olive oil on the cuticles of my fingernails.
It keeps me from having dry and cracked
cuticles in the winter. 

* I place one part olive and three parts distilled
water in a spray bottle.  I use the solution as my 
hair spray. It keeps my natural curly hair from becoming frizzy.

*I rub my cast iron fry pan set with olive oil to
keep them seasoned. My cast iron isn't very
old and the oil keeps my pans from rusting. 

* I add a few drops of the oil to my dog's food. 
 It prevents excess shedding of dog hair. Raja's
coat is shinier too.

* I use this oil for a hot oil treatment. I heat the
oil in the microwave until it gets warm. I rub it
through my hair and put on a plastic cap. I
wrap my head with a towel and leave it on
for 30 minutes.  I shampoo and rinse my hair

*I add a little oil to my shower gel. This help
prevent dry skin, especially during the winter

*I add this oil to my skin lotion. It is a very
good moisturizer.

*I use the oil to get rid of squeaky door hinges.
I damped cotton balls and rub the oil on the hinges.

*My husband rubbed the oil on his garden tools
to prevent rust.

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